Other Sight of the Coin

August 20, 2009

Last Run before Puasa

Today was my last run before Puasa (fasting) begins. Had to use sunblock today as my skin was getting dry with all the running and the exposure to the sun. Although supposed to be a moderate run day, i finished the 6KM in 44.16 min. 2 minutes faster than tuesday run, which was supposed to be the fast run. I think the fact that it was a much cooler day compared...

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August 20, 2009

Puasa (Ramadan) and Running

Been looking for ways to continue training during the fasting month. As fasting is in the daytime, options are to run in the evenings, to run at night or to run indoors… Running indoors i.e. a gym means competing with the other users for treadmills…experience says that this is not a viable option. Have been to the gym at night and had to queue to use the treadmills. The waiting can...

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August 18, 2009

…it just is…

Some days it just is, i guess. There is no fighting it. Had a 6 KM tempo run today. Coming on the back of the long 10 KM run on Sunday, i was pretty confident of a good time today. Although i didn’t feel all there today, recalled that the way you feel before and during a run can be different. Well today, the way i felt before the run and...

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August 16, 2009

Lesson Learned

Long run day…10 KM..stomach was churning and back was stiff…but thanks to last week’s learning (i.e. your condition pre run and during the run have nothing in common), just started to run and keep my tempo (discipline, another lesson learnt from 2 weeks ago). Turned out to be a great run. Finished 10 KM in 1:18 min which was 20 minutes faster than my Borneo International Marathaon 08 10 KM time. Average Time per...

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August 13, 2009

Before and After

Woke up with back ache, stiff neck and the feeling as if my head was wrapped in wool..today’s run was a 6K moderate run and i was sure i was going to have to battle “little voice in my head”. However, thanks to my last run, where i learnt that discipline is important for distance running, i controlled my speed over the 1st 2 KM and next thing I know, i...

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August 11, 2009

Anyway it Comes

Today was a 5K Tempo Run. Felt good the night before after running 8K and decided to try and run under 7 min per KM for this run. Started out too fast. Clocked the first and second KM at 6:20 min per KM which was 10 sec under the program recommended time. Paid for that moment of recklessness in the next 3 KM. Heart rate pumping, legs refusing to go any...

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August 9, 2009

Unexpected Results

At the beginning of my 8th KM, my brain scremed for me to stop..luckily this was only for a split second and overcame this by focusing on going a bit more and then a bit more and then a bit more…felt like a lousy run but at the end of it, my time was 8 min per KM (including breaks)..that lifted the spirits as i thought that i would be in...

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August 6, 2009

Keeping my Date

Rain slowed to a drizzle, so i decided to keep my date with 5KM run. By the time i got to the track, the rain had stopped. Had a good run but zoned out at the last KM..gotta keep focus..

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