Around 4 pm, we tried calling Phuket airport to check on the status of our baggage. The afternoon flight from KL had arrived around 3:30 pm so the airport should know by now if our baggage had arrived or not.
Since no one picked up the phone at the airport, we tried our luck with Malaysia Airlines helpline. That turned out to he of no help at all. Instead the cheerful voice and demeanor of the call centre person was a bit grating.
Here we are on Phuket, unable to speak the language, calling the airport baggage line and getting no answers and having to contemplate if we needed to get clothes for the night…and instead we are greeted with a cheerful voice and eventually telling us to call the helpline that we had already been calling.
We decided to try our luck by going to the airport and presenting ourselves in person. And just in case, on the way back from the airport, if we had no luck with baggage, we would stop by a shopping mall and get clothes.
Luckily, 10 min into our journey to the airport, we received a call from the Villa caretaker saying that the airport called and would be delivering our baggage that night.
With great relief we headed back to the Villa and proceeded with our dinner arrangements. Dinner was close by at Meg Khram the Sunshine and Submarine 223 bar.

During the dinner we received news that our bags had arrived at the Villa. We’ll done Phuket airport.