
February 3, 2023

CNY 2023 Phuket Day 1 Dinner

Around 4 pm, we tried calling Phuket airport to check on the status of our baggage. The afternoon flight from KL had arrived around 3:30 pm so the airport should know by now if our baggage had arrived or not. Since no one picked up the phone at the airport, we tried our luck with Malaysia Airlines helpline. That turned out to he of no help at all. Instead the cheerful...

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February 3, 2023

CNY 2023 Phuket – The Villa

For our stay in Phuket, we wanted to be able to have a place we could gather and sit together. If we had booked a hotel, we would most likely end up in our respective rooms after meals or other activities. As it was Chinese New Year and that meant family reunions and doing things together, we opted for a villa. In this way, we would have areas to gather and...

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February 3, 2023

CNY 2023 Phuket Day 1

Our adventure begins with a trip from the airport to Lam Hien pier for lunch. Along the way we get to see the scenery unfold as we head east. Phuket seems to be a mixture of Southern Thailand, Chinese and some Siam influence. None particularly stands out and all seem to blend into the landscape. Amazing experience here as this delicious food took like just 20 minutes to appear from when...

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February 3, 2023

CNY 2023 – Phuket

This year, 2023, we decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year) in Phuket. A couple of things brought on this change of venue. For last year’s CNY, holding it at home just reminded all of us of the absence of my mother in law, Linda Wong. CNY was always a big thing for her. From the preparation of decorations, the dishes she would prepare and the many...

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March 25, 2022

First Post pandemic flight

It’s been more than 2 years since I boarded a plane. Although there were still planes flying during the pandemic, there was no need to travel since almost all of my training, speaking and coaching moved online. Plus, I did not relish the thought of being confined in the cabin space with 100 plus other passengers and opening myself up to possible infection. For our fist flight since the pandemic I...

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