Other Sight of the Coin

April 4, 2022

23 years of service.

Today, April 4th, 2022, our long serving helper from Indonesia, finally reached her home in Semarang. And with that, we wish her all the best in the next phase of her life. Yati came under our employment when my son was just 2 years old and my daughter 4. She became a second mother to my children especially due to the busy working schedules we had. A hardworking, polite and respectful...

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March 25, 2022

First Post pandemic flight

It’s been more than 2 years since I boarded a plane. Although there were still planes flying during the pandemic, there was no need to travel since almost all of my training, speaking and coaching moved online. Plus, I did not relish the thought of being confined in the cabin space with 100 plus other passengers and opening myself up to possible infection. For our fist flight since the pandemic I...

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March 22, 2022

The Cure is Worse than the Disease

A month ago, I had cataract surgery. Cataract surgery was recommended to reduce my Intraocular Pressure (IOP) caused by my glaucoma rather than to enhance my vision due to my natural lens getting cloudy and impairing my vision. During the first week’s follow-up, everything seemed to be recovering nicely. Although my IOP had not dropped and instead increased by 4 mmHg to 24mmHg, the Drs attributed that to inflammation and ongoing...

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February 17, 2022

Read: Pachinko (Min Jin Lee)

Hanaa received this book as a birthday present from her friend Tshi Ven and Hanaa then invited me to read the book so that we could discuss the storyline together. Having no preconceived notion or expectation of the book, I began to read it and was quickly caught up in the lives of Hoonie, Yangjin, Sunja and life in Korea during the Manchurian war. I really enjoyed the storytelling, the development...

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August 30, 2021

How to Keep your Mental Wellbeing in Check while working from Home

There’s no denying that living in the same place as your office can have its perks. But there are also plenty of downsides to having a home office – for example, you might be tempted to completely unplug after a long day and end up reverting back to old habits like binge-watching TV or snacking all day. However, with the right planning and mindset adjustments, you can keep your mental health...

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August 25, 2021

Another Year, Another Birthday

Earth has revolved around the Sun 360 degrees and its my birthday again. I haven’t had the desire to celebrate my birthday in a big way these few years and what with the pandemic and families struggling to put food on the table, and Covid 19 cases rising in Kota Kinabalu, this year was especially so. Instead, Hanaa and Jan arranged for a nice, low key lunch for my birthday. I...

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January 11, 2021

Diet Change

Since my double heart attack in 2019, my family has been very concerned with what I eat and how that affects my heart health. For about 6 months after the hospitalisation, I did eat healthy. Oats, greens, steamed, baked dishes with minimal oil and salt. My all-time favorite burgers and fries were once in a blue moon, indulgences. But as the memory of the heart attack faded and work life restarted,...

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May 28, 2020

Fail to Succeed in the New Normal

So far, your business has survived Covid-19 and the lockdown. With lockdown lifting soon, you’ve got to find money to pay for operational expenses, to survive. What does your business need to do to continue to survive and thrive? Are there any demand/supply gaps and opportunities that have opened up in this New Normal that you can leverage on? As I pondered these questions for my businesses, I realized there is...

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May 7, 2020

New is not Necessarily Better

While under the Stay at Home rule (MCO in Malaysia), I took the opportunity to clean up the home office and cleared it of old receipts and papers collected over the years. After 3 days of work, I ended up with a huge pile of paper waste. As some of the documents had our address and old bank account details, I didn’t want to just dispose of the paper as is....

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