Two years ago, I invested in a Heart Rate Monitor watch. A friend who runs her own fitness business suggested that i use HRM to optimize my training.
She explained how monitoring or optimizing our heart rate can help us burn fat and get fitter in a more efficient manner. I thought that since i was going to be training for a half marathon and in light of my high blood pressure, monitoring my heart rate during could be like killing two birds with one stone…i.e. burn fat and keep an eye on my heart.
Unfortunately that watch cocked out on me in November. Although it said “water resistant” on the back, water vapor still managed to form on the face after a swim. To get rid of the water vapor, i used a hair dryer on the watch and only managed to melt part of the screen.
Since then, i have been looking for a replacement. This time around though, i felt that i did not need to buy a HRM watch. Although useful in tracking my heart rate and other biological data, i felt that this time around, or for my next marathon training, i wanted to focus on increasing my speeds and distances. To do this, i would need to do intervals.
With this in mind, I went to several watch shops before i decided on the Timex 100 Lap Flix system watch. Paid RM 270 for this watch which can record 100 laps and had 9 timers for intervals. Was easy to set up as the manuals were easily obtained online and since my previous HRM watch was also a Timex, most of the buttons and functions were familiar to me.
Timex Iron Man 100 Lap with Flix System
Started to wear the watch on a daily basis but even before i could test run its functions at the track, i walked into another watch shop a few days later and saw the adidas ADP 1864. The functions were similar to the Timex i had just bought but the difference was that the adidas was RM 50 cheaper AND had a larger screen.
So counter to the economic situatioin, i bought the adidas watch as well.
I have brought the adidas on some of my runs but am having trouble setting it up properly. Most of this is due to my time constraints as i have not found the time to fiddle around with it with the online manual.
adidas ADP 1864
Let’s hope that i can find the time to read through the online manual and really maximize the function in the adidas watch soon..