Other Sight of the Coin

September 18, 2009

Back on Track (2nd Run Week 8)

After several dissapointing runs during Ramadan…disappointing as in slow times, unabale to complete due to rain, unable to run due to schedule…the easy run in week 8 or last night’s run finally saw me hit decent speeds again… It felt good all around as i could cover the distance and finish within a decent time, run well, run below 7 min for 2 KM and overall felt good post race. Looking...

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September 18, 2009

Running on Coconut Water

Ran 6 KM on Tuesday and 10 KM on Thursday and hydrated with Coconut Water only.It definitely hydrates better than water. I immediately felt my thirst quench after sipping coconut water. With plain water my throat sometimes still felt dry although i had swigged quite a bit. As for helping me run better…that is still for me to find out..

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September 15, 2009

Coconut Water

I was in Sandakan over the weekend and in the midst of sorting out claims receipts, i watched an interview between a newscaster and the CEO of Zico on CNN. What was intriguing was that Zico is in the business of promoting coconut water. Zico is one of many companies in the US that is promoting the benefits of coconut water to elite atheletes. It was intriguing to me because coconut...

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September 9, 2009

Not so obvious use of a Training Program

The obvious uses or benefits one can get from a Training Program is of course getting into physical shape to go the distance that the program was designed for. I am on my second training program. The first program i downloaded was to get me to run 30 minutes non stop over 12 weeks. The current program i am on is to get me through a half marathon in the time...

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September 7, 2009

Week 6 of 17 week program

This week’s training called for an 8KM Temp Run on Tue, 6 KM Easy on Thu and 11KM Long on Sunday. Well, weather has been bad with the skies pouring rain non-stop during the 1st few days of the week that i only managed to do 3 KM on Tuesday. Then my rythm and mind was elsewhere on Thu and struggled to complete 6 KM..(although i had set a mental goal...

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September 7, 2009

Training Programs

I’ve been running for about 4 years now. I was never able to run more than 1 or 2 KM in a row as i would get shin splints and pain in my heels. Until 4 years ago when a friend of mine, who was the laziest person you could think of, who hated being out in the sun, who was more round than trim, who was more white than white,...

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September 1, 2009

Running during Ramadan

Have changed to running after sungkai (break fast). I find that i run better than if i ran some km’s before buka and then the balance after break fast. The initial way was to taxing on the body. Currently, i break fast at home then go for the run. I eat lightly and by the 2nd KM or so my body has adjusted to the shock of eating and drinking after...

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August 25, 2009

1st Long Run during Puasa

Sunday was my 1st long run of this year’s puasa. 11KM. Not a distance that i was daunted with after finishing the 10KM strongly last week. Got to the track at around 5:50 pm (break fast was at 6:28), and projected about 4 rounds or 4KM before i can break. Started running and tried to reduce speed but was doing about 7:20 or less for the 1st 4 KM. That is great...

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August 22, 2009

Running as Meditation

The wife asked me “what goes through your mind when you run?” Had to pause and recall what thoughts i have during a run. Some of the time, the thoughts are about my body parts..is the leg ok, is the heart rate ok, temperature, back etc…sometimes the small voice pops up, “you’ve done well, why don’t you rest..”…but i realized after i was posed this question that most of the time...

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