It’s been more than 2 years since I boarded a plane.
Although there were still planes flying during the pandemic, there was no need to travel since almost all of my training, speaking and coaching moved online.
Plus, I did not relish the thought of being confined in the cabin space with 100 plus other passengers and opening myself up to possible infection.
For our fist flight since the pandemic I still took precautions.
We booked the earliest flight out on Air Asia, because I presumed that they cleaned and disinfected that particular plane, the night before.
We did not order any food for the flight so that we did not have to take off our masks at anytime during the flight.
And finally, I paid extra for the first row hot seat, not for the leg room, but for the peace of mind that I would not be inhaling exhaled air from in front of me, since there was no row ahead of me.
Aside from the changes in check in, the only difference I really felt between flying pre-pandemic and post-pandemic was that I had to wear a mask and keep it on the whole time.
Thankfully, arrived in Kuala Lumpur with no infections.
Wonder when I’ll be ready for international flights now?