Other Sight of the Coin

April 4, 2010

Out and About

Sometimes, my Dad does not have to resort to emotional blackmail to get his way. (…this may be my last time..posted Mar 12, 2010) He likes to jalan (get out) and eat out and I like my children to hang out with their grand parents. I didn’t have any grandparents growing up and somehow felt that i missed out on the benefits of having grand parents. Benefits  such as extra pocket money...

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March 27, 2010

Chi running

After seeing my many Facebook posts on the problems I was having  with my right knee and how that was affecting my preparations for the Borneo International Marathon, a friend suggested I get and read a book on Chi Running by Danny and Katherine Deyer. 3 months of pain (right knee, lower back), disappointment (could not achieve target distances) and frustration (had to take time off everytime the knee hurt and...

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March 19, 2010

Discipline, Focus, Patience

I run 3 times a week at the Likas Sports Complex track to prepare myself for the half marathon (21 KM) in the Borneo International Marathon and to stay healthy. The Likas track is flat and roughly oval in shape, with a man made lake in the middle. One round of the track is just short of 1 KM. It gets crowded towards the evening and the on Saturday evenings whole...

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March 12, 2010

…this may be my last time…

My eldest sister called me a few nights ago. She was in a bit of a panic. Our father had called her to arrange mum’s 80th birthday party next month. He told her to make sure everyone in the family attended…as this would be his last time…! She was worried that something was terminally wrong with him. As she lives in another state, she wanted to check with me what was...

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March 3, 2010

My mum is my father is my mum.

For years, i have always thought that my father was the main culprit for the clutter in my parents house. At restaurants, he would pocket as many toothpicks and wet towels as he can. He would come home from Sunday markets or trade fairs with stuff that we didn’t need. Although i must say that on his business trips to Japan, his penchant for buying oddball stuff and the latest electronic...

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March 2, 2010

When should you call it Quits?

Business. Entreprenuer. Most of us start this journey in a similar manner. We have an idea.  A product. An opportunity. Or we spot a need that needs to filled. We do some research. We ask friends. Is this a good idea? Would you pay me money for this? We decide to forge ahead in spite of the many words of caution from well meaning friends and family. “You already have a...

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February 19, 2010

Miserably Wealthy

I read about this Austrian Millionaire named Karl Rabeder, who felt that his materialistic lifestyle was making him miserable. So, he decided to give all his wealth away (estimated at $4.7 million) to charity and move into a 2 room apartment and get by on $1,300 a month. Thanks to him someone got a lakeside villa in the alps, 42 acre farmhouse, an Audi A8 and some other stuff. Now for...

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February 19, 2010

Key Categorizer

Will your children grow up to become Catagorizers? If you surf the net a lot, if you blog a lot, if you transact online a lot…you probably have bumped into these three words quite frequently..keywords – category – tags… In the online world, to find what you want fast, you need to be familiar with the keywords, categories or related tags of the item/article/object you are searching for. To properly position...

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February 19, 2010

Outrageous Goals – Food Series 1

I love steak…i especially love how the Japanese prepare it… A good piece of steak needs only salt. I once saw a travel show on Argentina..aside from the Tango and sights, the show also highlighted a day out on the pampas with the cow herders in Argentina. What piqued my interest was the meal they served.  Normally, over here we get to see a whole lamb roasting on the spit. In...

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February 8, 2010

Outrageous Goals – Automobile Series 1

I used to think that Bentley’s were somewhat like the Rolls Royce..Great..if you were old…but the Convertible Onctinental Bentley’s are something else..wouldn’t use it in Malaysia though…why pay extras like excise duties and imagine driving this in our weather…. No, this car will definitely be in my stable of cars kept in my residences in Australia and Europe (check out Outrageous Goals – Residence Series)

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