Three years since the pandemic and lockdowns. And the world and economy seems like it is still suffering from the long tail influence of the pandemic.
Ukraine and Russia are still at war. Supply chains remain broken. And inflation is kicking in…hard.
Even though volatility and uncertainty is assured for this year, there is no harm in planning or setting goals.
Thankful for my family for getting into the goal setting spirit and organising a session for us to review our goals from last year, what was a win, what was a loss and what we were grateful the most for 2022.
After that, we went around stating our goals and the assistance and support we wanted from our family.
My goals for 2023 are
1. Complete a 10km run by Dec 31st 2023
2. Achieve body weight of 105 kg or less by July 2023
3. Deliver 5 x PSFA training in 2023
My goals might not be such a stretch goal, and this is because I am cognizant that I might still need to do a trabeculectomy if the SLT laser procedure did not achieve the results required.